1. Stand in the “attention stance” (Shomen musubi dachi).
2. Bow with a keirei (ceremonial bow) to shomen (north).
3. Call “shomen ni rei kata koshiki kosoko” and with kiai.
4. Step forward, left foot first then the right, in a front natural stance (shizen hontai dachi).
5. Bow with a kenko ritsurei (fighting bow)
6. Be prepared: zenshin
7. Slowly extend your hands, joined together, in front of our body above your forehead. Inhale deeply and bring them down in an outward circular motion, pressing your right fist against the palm of your left hand in front of your navel.
8. Adopt a defensive open stance (naihanchin dachi) and immediately look right and then left.
9. By moving your left foot south, rotate your body 90 degrees counter clockwise so that you are facing west and at the same time, assume a kiba dachi while delivering a right back elbow strike (ushiro empi uchi) from a high level, pushing your right fist with your left hand/arm thus giving power to the strike (left hand covering the right fist and both elbows are at ear level).
10. Deliver a left uraken morote uchi (double block)
11. Execute a right hineri geri. Bring your right foot to the left knee and then return it to the original starting position
12. Execute a left soto gedan barai in a zenkutsu dachi stance (left foot forward while still facing west).
13. By moving your left foot towards the north, rotate your body 180 degrees clockwise (facing east) and at the same time, assume a kiba dachi while delivering a left back elbow strike (ushiro empi uchi) from a high level, pushing your left fist with your right hand/arm thus giving power to the strike (right hand covering the left fist and both elbows are at ear level).
14. Deliver a right uraken morote uchi (double block).
15. Execute a left hineri geri. Bring your left foot to the right knee and then return it to the original starting position.
16. Move your right foot backwards and turn your body 90 degrees counter clockwise (facing north), and at the same time, assume a kiba dachi while delivering a right back elbow strike (ushiro empi uchi) from a high level, pushing your right fist with your left hand/arm thus giving power to the strike (left hand covering the right fist and both elbows are at ear level).
17. Deliver a left uraken morote uchi (double block)
18. Execute a right hineri geri. Bring your right foot to the left knee and then place it in front (still facing north).
19. Execute a right okuru tsuki then perform a short cat step backwards (kiba dachi) followed with a right knife hand outward block (soto shuto uke). This is to free your opponents grip on your right wrist.
20. Execute a left hineri geri. Bring your left foot to the right knee and then place it in front (still facing north).
21. Execute a left okuru tsuki then perform a short cat step backwards (kiba dachi) followed with a left knife hand outward block (soto shuto uke). This is to free your opponents grip on your left wrist.
22. Execute a right hineri geri. Bring your right foot to the left knee and then place it in front (still facing north).
23. Execute a right okuru tsuki and then bring the right fist to the belt before continuing.
24. By moving the right foot to the west, rotate your body 180 degrees counter clockwise (facing south w/ left leg forward) and perform a left knife hand outward block (soto shuto uke) in a kiba dachi.
25. With the right hand, reach forward (south) so that you transition into a zenkutsu dachi and grab the opponents neck with your left hand grasping your right wrist. Pull the right hand in close to your body, aligning it with the right hip while keeping your eyes focused on your right wrist. When doing this, you return to a kiba dachi.
26. Execute a right hineri geri. Bring your right foot to your left knee and then place it in front.
27. Cross behind with your left foot and deliver a right uraken uchi.
28. Step back with your left foot into kiba dachi, regaining a right foot forward stance (facing south) and sweep the left arm clockwise and the right arm clockwise ending with the left fist at the left hip and the right arm in an age uke (high right forearm block while still facing south).
29. Deliver a left hineri tsuki, followed up with a right okuru tsuki while maintaining full hips with all punches)
30. Execute a left hineri geri bringing the left foot back to the right knee and then placing it back in the starting position.
31. Move the right foot towards the southeast direction, rotating your body counter clockwise to face north and perform a morote ude uke (double block). The right arm is bent slightly at the elbow with the elbow in close to the body and the fist, pointing upward slightly and to the right, over the right knee. The left arm is pointing forward in a downward fashion (45 degree) over the left leg. The right leg is bent and the left (front) leg is very straight (almost a kokotsu dachi)
32. Re-adjust your stance to a zenkutsu dachi and with your right hand, execute a forward (northerly) pick to the groin with the palm facing upwards and the left hand providing a block to the right side of the face (palm facing to the east).
33. Cat step backwards (ushiro nigwash) and perform a left soto gedan barai (low arm block) in a zenkutsu dachi stance (left foot forward while still facing north).
34. With the right hand, reach forward (north) so that you transition into a zenkutsu dachi and grab the opponents neck with your left hand grasping your right wrist. Pull the right hand in close to your body, aligning it with the right hip while keeping your eyes focused on your right wrist. In doing this you return to a kiba dachi.
35. Execute a right hineri geri. Bring your right foot to your left knee and then place it in front.
36. Cross behind with your left foot and deliver a right oroshi uraken uchi.
37. Step back with your left foot into kiba dachi, regaining a right foot forward stance (facing north) and sweep the left arm clockwise and the right arm clockwise ending with the left fist at the left hip and the right arm in an age uke (high right forearm block while still facing north).
38. Deliver a left hineri tsuki, followed up with a right okuru tsuki while maintaining full hips with all punches)
39. Execute a left hineri geri bringing the left foot back to the right knee and then placing it back in the starting position. (right foot foward)
40. Move the right foot towards the northwest direction, rotating your body counter clockwise to face south and perform a morote ude uke (double block). The right arm is bent slightly at the elbow with the elbow in close to the body and the fist, pointing upward (45 degrees) and to the right, over the right knee. The left arm is pointing forward in a downward fashion (45 degree) over the left leg. The right leg is bent and the left (front) leg is very straight (almost a kokotsu dachi)
41. Readjust your stance to a a zenkutsu dachi and with your right hand, execute a forward (southerly) pick to the groin with the palm facing upwards and the left hand providing a block to the right side of the face (palm facing to the west)
42. Cat step backwards (ushiro nigwash) and perform a left soto gedan barai (low arm block) in a zenkutsu dachi stance (left foot forward while still facing south).
43. Move the right foot in towards the left foot then move it forward and right (to the west) rotating you body to the east and perform a double block (morote uke). The block is described as such: Simultaneously your right arm goes upward 45 degrees behind your head (haito jodan soto uke) and your left arm goes downward 45 degrees (shuto soto gedan barai).
44. Bring your right foot to the left foot (facing south) while bringing your right fist to the belt and execute a left gyaku uchi.
45. With the left foot, step towards the east (facing east now) and perform a left jodan hirate uke while executing a right hineri tsuki.
46. Step towards the south east direction with the left foot (facing once again to the south) and perform a double block (morote uki). The block is described as such: Simultaneously your left arm goes upward 45 degrees behind your head (haito jodan soto uke) and your right arm goes downward 45 degrees (shuto soto gedan barai).
47. Bring your left foot to the right foot (facing south) while bringing your left fist to the belt and execute a right gyaku uchi.
48. With the right foot, step towards the west (facing west now) and perform a right jodan hirate uke while executing a left hineri tsuki.
49. Bring the right foot to the left knee while simultaneously bringing the left and right hands close to the body at the belt level and then step forward with the right foot (south direction) ending in a right kiba dachi while simultaneously executing a morote hirake uke (left hand is chudan hirake uke with elbow bent and right hand is gedan hirake with the arm extended).
50. Bring the hands back into the body while bringing the right foot back to the knee.
51. Step forward once again with the right foot while rotating your arms clockwise ending with a right chudan kamae in a kiba dachi. (ensure that the left hand is held tightly at the left side at belt level)
52. Execute a left ushiro tobi (360 degree jump) returning to a right chudan kamae kiba dachi (facing south).
53. Bring the left foot up to the right foot (musubi dachi) while drawing both fists to the right side of your body at belt level.
54. From this position, look east and then execute a left yoko geri.
55. Bring the left foot back to the right knee and while rotating 90 degrees counter clockwise (facing east) step forward with the left foot (left zenkutsu dachi) while executing a right jodan yoko empi uchi into the left hand.
56. Bring the right foot up to the left foot (musubi dachi) while drawing both fists to the left side of your body at belt level.
57. From this position, look west then execute a right yoko geri.
58. Bring the right foot back to the left knee and while rotating 90 degrees clockwise (facing west) step forward with the right foot (left zenkutsu dachi) while executing a left jodan yoko empi uchi into the right hand.
59. With the left foot, step forward and simultaneously execute a left chudan kamae kiba dachi (facing south)
60. With the right hand, reach forward (south) so that you transition into a zenkutsu dachi and grab the opponents neck with your left hand grasping your right wrist. Pull the right hand in close to your body, aligning it with the right hip while keeping your eyes fixated on your right wrist. In doing this you return to a kiba dachi.
61. Execute a right hineri geri. Bring your right foot to your left knee and then place it in front.
62. Cross behind with your left foot and deliver a right uraken uchi.
63. Step back with your left foot into kiba dachi, regaining a right foot forward stance (facing south) and sweep the left right arm clockwise ending with the left fist at the left hip and the right arm in an age uke (high right forearm block while still facing south).
64. Deliver a left hineri tsuki, followed up with a right okuru tsuki while maintaining full hips with all punches)
65. Execute a left hineri geri bringing the left foot back to the right knee and then placing it back in the starting position.
66. Step forward (south east) with the right foot and take a zenkutsu dachi while executing a morote gedan shotei uchi. (both arms are extended 45 degrees downward in the south east direction)
67. Turn your head 180 degrees counter clockwise (looking north), while slowly raising the left arm to the north for a morote jodan shotei uke.The right hand is brought to the right hip, belt level. (facing north)
68. With the right foot, execute an hineri mawashi geri completing the kick by bringing the right foot to the left knee and placing it behind the left foot (facing south)
69. Move immediately into a left ushiro mawashi geri to the north (facing south) completing the kick by bringing the left foot to the knee.
70. With the left foot remaining at the knee, turn to the south and then drop to the ground with the right knee brought up to the chest and the left leg fully extended.
71. Look to the left and then to the right then stand back up, facing south bringing the left foot to the side of the right foot.
72. With the right foot, step back into a left chudan kamae kiba dachi (facing south).
73. While stepping forward with the right foot, rotate the arms (left clockwise-right counter clockwise) while fully extended ending with a right nigwash dachi.
74. Move the right foot to the southeast, rotating your body so that you are facing northwest and enter into a left chudan kamae kiba dachi.
75. Execute an hineri geri (right foot) in the northwest direction bringing the right foot to the left knee and then step forward into a right zenkutsu dachi while delivering a right okuru tsuki and a left chudan hirate uke.
76. Deliver an hineri hirate tsuki making sure that the right fist is pulled tightly to the right hip-belt level.
77. Move the back leg (left) over to the southwest so that you are facing northeast and take a right chudan kamae kiba dachi.
78. Execute an hineri geri (left foot) in the northeast direction bringing the left foot to the right knee and then step forward into a left zenkutsu dachi while delivering a left okuru tsuki and a right chudan hirate uke.
79. Deliver an hineri hirate tsuki making sure that the left fist is pulled tightly to the left hip-belt level.
80. Finish the kata by closing with the traditional salutation.