1. Rei. LF steps out to heiko dache. RF moves to RF-forward sanchin dache.
2. Simultaneously: LH punches to solar plexus, and then does side block; RH punches just above and then does side block.
3. LH returns to chamber. Punch to solar plexus and side block.
4. LF steps forward. RH returns to chamber, then punches to solar plexus and then side blocks.
5. RF steps forward. LH returns to chamber, then punches to solar plexus and then side blocks.
6. RH returns, punches, blocks.
7. LH returns, punches, blocks.
8. RH returns, punches, blocks. Immediately after completing block, both hands open and, pivoting around the elbows, sweep in and down to the outside.
9. Both hands return to chamber. Both hands do inverted (palm up) nukite strikes to solar plexus area, and then sweept in and down to the outside.
10. Repeat 2 more times
11. RF backs up. LH goes up, open-hand, palm-forward, pointing diagonally up and to the left. RH goes down, similarly, pointing down and to the right. Bring palms together towards tantien, pause once, and then complete motion.
12. LF backs up. RH goes up, LH goes down. Repeat squeezing motion.
13. LF moves up to RF into musabi dache. LH, openhand, stacks on top of open RH, both hands pointing down. Hands are in front of sternum. Reenforced downward block, pausing twice. End block in front of belt.
14. Rei (Bow)